Favorite Cover of ROCSTAR EVAAA ..By the amazing Sofia Karlberg
Favorite Cover of ROCSTAR EVAAA ..By the amazing Sofia Karlberg
What a Loss , True legend , artist you will always be ..You will always Live in Our Heads.
Tribute , Tune of the day 🙂
Dat Voice Thou
That day .. I was in such a bad mood my account on instagram got hacked the same day and time I had the interview LIVE on kuwait’s radio. It’s just something about MUSIC makes me forget about anything even though it was a bad incident that might cost you your career. But It didn’t I realised if people love you they will follow you no matter what and thats what I did , just created a new account and moved on .
MUSIC IS THE SANCTUARY , I always Run to .. if i’m feeling Blue .
Here’s a short bio on how I started blogging and some of my fav tunes and sound tracks of my life
P.s Back to blogging again .. 😉
I’m going to post a song “tune” i’m vibe -ing to every week , Todays Random Vibe “Children” makes you clear your ears from all the negativity around you… Shut it out and automatically calms you down .
ENJOY because you will sure FEEL IT.
LET the HATERS HATE .. while you listen to some real beat.