One word – Cinnabon
Was watching “Better Call Saul” tv show, first Episode and it was super cold that day .. the start of the Tv show was the making of Cinnabon , literally how you make them from scratch , and ever since then I just CRAVED a cinnabon so BAD!
BEST Winter Dessert in my opinion and for some reason it keeps you warm even though I love having it with a glass of cold milk !
The thing is I never knew they had a 24/ delivery service nor did I know they have an application with all their different flavours and it turned out they have an offer where you can get a combo pack of 6 cinnabon’s and get two “Rock on the go’s ” for FREE ! SO it ended up to be going all out, instead of just having one ! 😛
So if you reading this right now and you feeling a bit chilli .. trust me .. get a blanket , open netflix and order some straight out of the oven fresh Cinnabon’s !
My favourite is of course the ORIGINAL !
How To find them:
Instagram @cinnabonkuwait
APP- Cinnabon Kuwait
24\7 Delivery service 1849090
Can you talk about tattoos and your experience?
sure .. what in specific do you want to know ? 😉